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Local Fridays For Future / Vegans For Futer (FFF / VFF) Hildburghausen?


There I am now... a proud and convinced Vegan since two years, Vegitarian since 39 years in my youth member of the "Young Greens" and very excited and happy about VFF / FFF engagements all arround the globe. Still a Virgin according to demo participation I am following the Fridays For Future / Vegans For Futer (FFF / VFF) engagements and appreciatable courage mostly via the internet adding a statement, piece of knowledge or extending suggestion here and there. Encouraced by looking up the recordings and reports about such activities my demand to become a participator and activist on my own increases to like an almost unbarable light and pleasureful tickel of an indispendable and incontestable urgency shortly before the intensive orgasm synonymous for belonging to an according local group and joining Fridays For Future / Vegans For Futer (FFF / VFF) activities. In the following I will summarize according to my knowledge and intutive estimations the most probable synthesis and furthermore the not to waste or to understimate synergy for the noble Fridays For Future / Vegans For Futer (FFF / VFF) goals, my current location backwater Hildburghausen and my professional and individual skills and feautres as oficially passing Abiturient and webdesigner.

In order to now establish a connection between the already mentioned aspects of the first paragraph and the headline I will firstly intoduce the distinguishes of the location Hildburgahusen, that it is a small backwater with estimated 11784 inhabitants which infrastructure does not even provide a "Buendnis 90 - die Gruenen" Parteizentrale neither there are search engine results for a local Fridays For Future / Vegans For Futer (FFF / VFF) group (search engines provide fire defense, sport and fishing clubs results instead) and has not even a vegan restaurant as far as I know, instead mostly a giantic psychatrie consisting of several buildings and homes and me being kept captive there in best confidence as a checkpoint between unpleasent circumstances leading to an event that I almost died and a hopefulliest much more appreciatable destiny in the future. What this to hell has now in turn in common with the Fridays For Future / Vegans For Futer (FFF / VFF) and the at least from idealistic, creative and extroverted nerds as promissing appreciated entitlement of a Starlet Cadet at fan fiction & promo sketch company? For some nothing, for some something at least, for really consequently idealistic, creative and extroverted nerds it can ocassionally mean everything...

(...according to such kind of author of of this text respectivley transfarable to the situation of people who are being kept hostage because of idealism it's additionally meant as a support request for integrity in order to consider that encrusted structures of self-pity-suffering, inappropriated exactly that aspect worsening additional harassment from officials extending the already suffered agony at least descripe a gradient towards  a juristical detection of the objective truth and in special "vengeance" according to an appropriated material more detailed expressed financial reparation, accapting their self-decision-making competence namely freedom within civilization compatible paremeters of the Thunberg's Worlds Citizens Constitution, as well as als for other not too much issued people in other or similar provincial areas...)

...I now come to an unordered list of aspects as inspirations and arguments for a common local Fridays For Future / Vegans For Futer (FFF / VFF) group Hildburghausen from my personal backgrounds as which descripe a mixture of neccessarily and mandatory common ideals alsmost like required soft and hard skills consisting of a compete sentence, for in the single case to define and conceptional concretize supplement of each participating profession respectively carrier interests as an ideal synergy to realize that ideals (enviromental protection, Veganism, survival) in a most possible agreement with those former mentioned carrier goals.

  • an additional outpost in provincial space where it's needed the most according to a missing vegan infra structure and yet pending definition of environmental violations to be made known on file
  • projects and intends like mentioned in the headline as additional multimedial expression for winning races for public polpularity and concrete actions and promotions for certain cases
    • i.e. also from our current project list a map application to submit vegan party as well as company and charity coordinates, size or develop certain travel concepts with those coordinates with the possibility to additionally book enviromental correct clima neutral person logistic services and overnight stays
    • if you join you will have the opportunity to extend our project list about certain additional aspects and goals
    • (...?)
  • the chance for a victorious and heroic promotional vengeance in a precedence case for an idealist that had been almost deadly disadvanteged by fate (respectively evil individuals that size percepted incident gates in one's causality that they percept in order to trigger awareness and will in order to harm that person) and to make it even worse ?-) stigmatized and issued from according authorities, at least leading to the result of an according appropriation and reparation for us for me being jumped from the 4th floor in an unpleasent carnivore hell I was forced in innocently and told the responsibles for that desicion explicitly it would definetly threaten my stability in an enough increased level to endanger my survival

To be summarized as it's even immensively better than only like before and even still much better than something only a little bit better for the Fridays For Future / Vegans For Futer (FFF / VFF) as well as yourself and last but not least the initializing person Felix Czeck if:

  1. the Fridays For Future / Vegans For Futer (FFF / VFF) gets an additional additional media project central especially at a more provincial region where it's needed mostly according to the appearence of unethical farming
  2. Felix Czeck gets the support he needs for common projects, appropriation in justice and supports your integrity and emancipation in turn
  3. better you monitor and contribute your reasonable content and tactical considerations towards those activities of that maybe suspicious person before his creativity drives to wild blossoms that would be contraproductive for the Fridays For Future / Vegans For Futer (FFF / VFF) goals
  4. Let's claim and conquer controll of all emo- and psychokinesis triggers and furthermore controller status of all dirty mind- and bodycontroll tricks for own purposes serving our noble goals, no matter if they are dirty hacks, based on abusive spirituall dignity or are scientific determination and / or are ancient alien technology and / or are from the futer... all available paramental destinguishes of mind, spirit and matter starting up from expoited emapthy over thought insertion till direct controll over will and body from hostile influences must be abolished or conquered respectively conquered back respectivley brought under self-responsible self-control of the vegan individual!!!

No matter if you want to support the founding of a Fridays For Future / Vegans For Futer (FFF / VFF) local group in Hilburghausen or somewhere else, want to support the individual and initiate Felix Czeck with an hideout against especially stigmatizing and persecuting authorities (which should be legal even according to our current constitution and civil laws, nevertheless) or / and even want to commonly extend and adapt the frame (of individuals seeking appropriation and reparation) according to the degree of relevance to a federal, national , international, galactic or interstellar level, feel free, wellcome and appreciated to size a contact modality of our (p)Impressum... thank you!!!

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Chrismas gift for you: A/V Chat and Conference available till 15th January 2024...!!!

✅ For it is recommended to be at least 18 years old... Furthermore please agree to our cookie guideline! 🔞 If you are not shure about it, please leave our site! May our love and ideal guide you nevertheless! 💛 In between we might have some time available for web and / or media design for you... please seize the contact possibilities announced in the [p]Impressum for according requests...

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