1st What?) - a commiunity based ★let & ★tUp support agency with 6 ranks from ★let Cadet till ✪✪✪⚡Q⚡✪✪✪ 2nd Who?) - a proud and competent team of experts and those who get empowered to become experts... 3rd Where? - primarily Milky Way, Heliossphere, Terra 4th When?) - as soon as possible... 5th Why?) - in special if your mono-pl...
veganormonelologically... OLD CI of Scientology.CAM / starfleetUpTo.date / ©hecksPromoLabs.love
★ Webdesign ★ Image, Video & Audio Editing ★ Animations ★ WebApp Store ★ Crowdfuning ★ Community ★ V³-Piraten ★ VEGAN ★ Escort Pimping ★let & Startup ★ Do you want a starfleetUpTo.date military unisex Tshirt? - soon available! presell orders at
PR2PR-i.S.S.B.P.U.V.N. Auszug aus dem Regierungsprogramm zugunsten von Terra's weltenstaatlicher Verfassung..!!!
- Antispeziesistisch-vegane Weltenstaatsverfassung und grundgesetzliche Verankerung von Tierrechten mit uneingeschraenktem und dem Homo Sapiens gleichgestellten Persoenlichkeitsrechten und selbiger Verfassung und Grundgesetz konformer Pflichten und Verantwortung seitens von und fuer Mensch und Tier
- Hybridisierungsprogramm "Animal Crossing" - Sagen-, Fabel- und Star Trek body fashion fuer Mensch und Tier
- emanzipatorischer Prositutionsunterricht ("Prostitution = aldebaranisch fuer Schutz, Emanzipation, Wahrung und Akzeptanz der Selbstentscheidungskompetenz eines Individuums, freies Spiel von Angebot und Nachfrage bei gleichzeitiger Aufrechterhaltung des Rechts sich zu verweigern" in Celebrety Centern, Synthesis.agency Begegnungsstaetten, spirituellen Versammlungsstaetten, Kindergaerten, Schulen, Universitaeten und Starfleet Academies
- Aufstellung einer sorgsam und bewiesen auf Einhaltung der PR2PR-i.S.S.B.P.U.V.N. Leitmotive eingeschworener und praegender kompetenter und konsequnet entschlossener "fast proⓋ-iDEAL pro-Awareness Fighter" Interventionstruppe rekrutiert aus dem veganen schwarzen Block sowie Greta Thunberg und VFF/FFF loyalen als auch aufgeschlossenen Militaer- und polizeistreitkraeften, insbesonderer hoeherer Bildungsabschlusse und Qualifikationen als Rangkriterium - des weiteren Konzeption und Realisation eines Kompatibilitaetsmodus fuer jeden Zivilberuf mit der "fast proⓋ-iDEAL proAwareness Fighter" Interventionstruppe zwecks Steigerung deren Effizienz und Integritaet sowie auch um bei quantitativer Anforderung an idealistischen Streitkraeften genug Reserven rekrutieren zu koennen
- Entwurf eines tragfähigen und noch entsprechend Kriterien des zivilisatorischen Erhalts zu konkretisierenden interstellar tragfaehig gestaltenden Pädagogik- und Bildungsprogramm berücksichtigend Xenologie, SETI, (...?)
- staatliche Subventionen fuer Open Source Developer insbesondere deren Technologie stark nachgefragt ist
- Kulturamtsprogramm: ansprechende Gestaltung von Landezonen fuer interstellare Reisende deren Nutzung ausschliesslich nur unter strikter Auflage der Idendifikation und Einhaltung mit den uebrigen PR2PR-i.S.S.B.P.U.V.N. Parteiprogrammpunkten zu genehmigen ist
- Internationale und perspektivisch interstellare Vernetzung der PR2PR-i.S.S.B.P.U.V.N. selbst, als auch Foerderung bzw. Monitoring solcher Entfaltungen seitens weiterer Interessensgruppen und Firmen bzw. deren Verbot sollte diese Dynamik in eine speziesistische oder sonstige totalitaere Verschwoerung niederer Motive und verbrecherischer Methodik uebergehen
- Einrichten einer Aufsichtsstelle gegen anzpruchsverfehlende Bonzen der eigenen Bewegung und Partei
PR2PR-i.S.S.B.P.U.V.N. excerpt from the Gouvernmental Programm relating to Terra's world state constitution..!!!
- Anti-speciesist-vegan world state constitution and constitutional anchoring of animal rights with unrestricted and equal rights of personality to Homo Sapiens and the same constitution and basic law compliant obligations and responsibility on the part of and for humans and animals
- Hybridization program "Animal Crossing" - legends, fables and Star Trek body fashion for humans and animals
- emancipatory prostitution lessons ("Prostitution = Aldebaran for protection, emancipation, preservation and acceptance of the self-decision competence of an individual, free play of supply and demand while maintaining the right to refuse" in Celebrety Centers, Synthesis.agency meeting places, spiritual meeting places, Kindergartens, schools, universities and Starfleet Academies
- Preparation of a carefully and proven compliance with the PR2PR-i.S.S.B.P.U.V.N. principles of sworn and formative, competent and consequently determined "fast proⓋ-iDEAL pro-awareness fighter" intervention force recruited from the vegan black block as well as Greta Thunberg and VFF / FFF loyal as well as open-minded military and police forces, in particular higher-ranking and higher educational qualifications Furthermore, conception and implementation of a compatibility mode for every civilian occupation with the "fast proⓋ-iDEAL proAwareness Fighter" intervention force in order to increase their efficiency and integrity as well as to be able to recruit enough reserves for quantitative requirements of idealistic armed forces
- Draft of a named and yet to be named aspects of an interstellar sustainable educational program including xenology, SETI, (...?)
- State subsidies for open source developers, especially whose technology is in high demand
- Cultural Office program: attractive design of landing zones for interstellar travelers whose use only under the strict condition of identification and compliance with the other PR2PR-i.S.S.B.P.U.V.N. Approving party agenda items is
- International and perspective interstellar networking of the PR2PR-i.S.S.B.P.U.V.N. itself, as well as the promotion or monitoring of such developments on the part of other interest groups and companies or their prohibition, this dynamic should turn into a speciesist or other totalitarian conspiracy of lower motives and criminal methodology
- Establishing a supervisory body against claim-failing bigwigs of one's own movement and party
Local Fridays For Future / Vegans For Futer (FFF / VFF) Hildburghausen?
There I am now... a proud and convinced Vegan since two years, Vegitarian since 39 years in my youth member of the "Young Greens" and very excited and happy about VFF / FFF engagements all arround the globe. Still a Virgin according to demo participation I am following the Fridays For Future / Vegans For Futer (FFF / VFF) engagements and appreciatable courage mostly via the internet adding a statement, piece of knowledge or extending suggestion here and there. Encouraced by looking up the recordings and reports about such activities my demand to become a participator and activist on my own increases to like an almost unbarable light and pleasureful tickel of an indispendable and incontestable urgency shortly before the intensive orgasm synonymous for belonging to an according local group and joining Fridays For Future / Vegans For Futer (FFF / VFF) activities. In the following I will summarize according to my knowledge and intutive estimations the most probable synthesis and furthermore the not to waste or to understimate synergy for the noble Fridays For Future / Vegans For Futer (FFF / VFF) goals, my current location backwater Hildburghausen and my professional and individual skills and feautres as oficially passing Abiturient and webdesigner.
In order to now establish a connection between the already mentioned aspects of the first paragraph and the headline I will firstly intoduce the distinguishes of the location Hildburgahusen, that it is a small backwater with estimated 11784 inhabitants which infrastructure does not even provide a "Buendnis 90 - die Gruenen" Parteizentrale neither there are search engine results for a local Fridays For Future / Vegans For Futer (FFF / VFF) group (search engines provide fire defense, sport and fishing clubs results instead) and has not even a vegan restaurant as far as I know, instead mostly a giantic psychatrie consisting of several buildings and homes and me being kept captive there in best confidence as a checkpoint between unpleasent circumstances leading to an event that I almost died and a hopefulliest much more appreciatable destiny in the future. What this to hell has now in turn in common with the Fridays For Future / Vegans For Futer (FFF / VFF) and the at least from idealistic, creative and extroverted nerds as promissing appreciated entitlement of a Starlet Cadet at starfleetUpTo.date fan fiction & promo sketch company? For some nothing, for some something at least, for really consequently idealistic, creative and extroverted nerds it can ocassionally mean everything...
(...according to such kind of author of of this text respectivley transfarable to the situation of people who are being kept hostage because of idealism it's additionally meant as a support request for integrity in order to consider that encrusted structures of self-pity-suffering, inappropriated exactly that aspect worsening additional harassment from officials extending the already suffered agony at least descripe a gradient towards a juristical detection of the objective truth and in special "vengeance" according to an appropriated material more detailed expressed financial reparation, accapting their self-decision-making competence namely freedom within civilization compatible paremeters of the Thunberg's Worlds Citizens Constitution, as well as als for other not too much issued people in other or similar provincial areas...)
...I now come to an unordered list of aspects as inspirations and arguments for a common local Fridays For Future / Vegans For Futer (FFF / VFF) group Hildburghausen from my personal backgrounds as which descripe a mixture of neccessarily and mandatory common ideals alsmost like required soft and hard skills consisting of a compete sentence, for in the single case to define and conceptional concretize supplement of each participating profession respectively carrier interests as an ideal synergy to realize that ideals (enviromental protection, Veganism, survival) in a most possible agreement with those former mentioned carrier goals.
- an additional outpost in provincial space where it's needed the most according to a missing vegan infra structure and yet pending definition of environmental violations to be made known on file
- projects and intends like mentioned in the headline as additional multimedial expression for winning races for public polpularity and concrete actions and promotions for certain cases
- i.e. also from our current project list a map application to submit vegan party as well as company and charity coordinates, size or develop certain travel concepts with those coordinates with the possibility to additionally book enviromental correct clima neutral person logistic services and overnight stays
- if you join you will have the opportunity to extend our project list about certain additional aspects and goals
- (...?)
- the chance for a victorious and heroic promotional vengeance in a precedence case for an idealist that had been almost deadly disadvanteged by fate (respectively evil individuals that size percepted incident gates in one's causality that they percept in order to trigger awareness and will in order to harm that person) and to make it even worse ?-) stigmatized and issued from according authorities, at least leading to the result of an according appropriation and reparation for us for me being jumped from the 4th floor in an unpleasent carnivore hell I was forced in innocently and told the responsibles for that desicion explicitly it would definetly threaten my stability in an enough increased level to endanger my survival
To be summarized as it's even immensively better than only like before and even still much better than something only a little bit better for the Fridays For Future / Vegans For Futer (FFF / VFF) as well as yourself and last but not least the initializing person Felix Czeck if:
- the Fridays For Future / Vegans For Futer (FFF / VFF) gets an additional additional media project central especially at a more provincial region where it's needed mostly according to the appearence of unethical farming
- Felix Czeck gets the support he needs for common projects, appropriation in justice and supports your integrity and emancipation in turn
- better you monitor and contribute your reasonable content and tactical considerations towards those activities of that maybe suspicious person before his creativity drives to wild blossoms that would be contraproductive for the Fridays For Future / Vegans For Futer (FFF / VFF) goals
- Let's claim and conquer controll of all emo- and psychokinesis triggers and furthermore controller status of all dirty mind- and bodycontroll tricks for own purposes serving our noble goals, no matter if they are dirty hacks, based on abusive spirituall dignity or are scientific determination and / or are ancient alien technology and / or are from the futer... all available paramental destinguishes of mind, spirit and matter starting up from expoited emapthy over thought insertion till direct controll over will and body from hostile influences must be abolished or conquered respectively conquered back respectivley brought under self-responsible self-control of the vegan individual!!!
No matter if you want to support the founding of a Fridays For Future / Vegans For Futer (FFF / VFF) local group in Hilburghausen or somewhere else, want to support the individual and initiate Felix Czeck with an hideout against especially stigmatizing and persecuting authorities (which should be legal even according to our current constitution and civil laws, nevertheless) or / and even want to commonly extend and adapt the frame (of individuals seeking appropriation and reparation) according to the degree of relevance to a federal, national , international, galactic or interstellar level, feel free, wellcome and appreciated to size a contact modality of our (p)Impressum... thank you!!!
type-specific like case-sensitive Gedicht fuer Vegans for Future von Felix Czeck
Hi Joshua Parksteinhoff kannst Du das so conversion goal oriented semioffiziell wie moeglich fuer mich den Admins von Vegans for Future zur gnaedigen Kenntnisnahme als tiefsten Ausdruck meiner ehrlichen Reue ueber meinen kuerzlich zurueckliegenden verbalen Amoklauf - als angemessen komödiant-selbstkritische poetische Alleuren eines Dramaboy-Sickdators der ich hiermit war - vorlegen:
ich schande der mensch - regetting fanatically... und zum sterben bereit
reue ich alle meine geltungssuechtige attention-safety-parasite - besessenheit
hasse meine unangemessene - selbstgefaelligkeit
fuehle mich wie staub von welkem laub und unkraut das doch vergeht
und zu recht vergessen sei und vom winde der endlichkeit entgegengeweht
wo mir der suche sinn doch sehr nach Freundschaft steht
was will wer ernten der schon sturm saeht
dann nur leider eine geleierte weitere milde brise wie ihr seht
only will become resolution to protect love with charm and wit
wenn wir zusammen halten - wenn VFF zusammen steht!
mit Tierreich ueber Mensch zu Daemon fuer Hybrid...?
auch als paramentalist bin ich fuegig deiner zaehmung
veganerinnen und veganern weder feind noch dieb
oder ich bin dankbar fuer den hieb
den ich als angemessene wertschaetzung fuer verbale entgleisungen zu recht erhielt
fanatischer - dramatiker -mit aufmerksamkeitsdefizit
hat sich jetzt angemessen abreagiert hat sich echt beim dissen gegen euch nur entsetzlich blamiert
haette sich vor verblendung und groessenwahn fast zu tode geniert
als unbeholfener nerd - rambo-schlaubi-barden antagonisten
blinzeln zoegernd in das morgenlicht - next VFF vega starlet activist
du bist mir wervoller als ich - call me too compassion's duty
will alternate and cause outhern aspects according to inner beauty
so near by my vows or swears of vegan scientific-symbiotic dignity
yes genau das ist von mir ein kitschebroedel liebessonggebet
zwar gezwungen orginell aber so das mans versteht
bitte lasst und gemeinsam ein web weben p2p
machtiger als die "P.V.C.T.F.C.D." auf hyperraumumgehungsstrassenabwegen
und doch frommer als die sekte der sekte der sekte "universelles veganes Kleben"
uns in die selbe ecke neckte witzige kitzelige relevanz - ambition des ideals - elfentanz
wir scheinen ein stueck ueber dem boden zu schweben lass uns lieben, lass uns leben,
liebste Veganerin gebot zwischen angemessenheit, vernunft als auch lebenssinn
kuesse mich zum schweigen bitte... oder soll ich etwa wirklich als weitereihmen und reden und reden und reden und reden???
starfleetUpTo.date's short-, middle- and long-term goals like furthermore logical like fascinating next to-dos that could become interesting for you to participate at... respectively what we will do with a big credit that is indeed almost approved by the way... about a threalliard of money to invest...
...like the video points out to, nevertheless this does not fit the clichee of the Starfleet presented at the Star Trek universe of a non-monetary society at all, it can be considered as a declared intention... to commonly achieve an immensive Return of Investment for all participating clients and providers additionally supporting perspective-excha...
starfleetUpTo.date's Cold Call
Mainly we recommend a kind, empathic but nevertheless single-minded main strategy in order to achieve conversions when you arrange starfleetUpTo.date memberships: 1.) Introduce yourself bindingly friendly: After an introduction of your person (name and rank at starfleetUpTo.date) and furthermore casual description of your achieved ...
Für die liebenswerte Schulanfängerin und starfleetUpTo.date Promo Minx Lena DA - in Germany... von Lover feliXx C.
Aufgepasst! Starfleet Mission Einschulung! Unsere liebenswerte junge terranische Mitbürgerin Lena Da...(?) Bzw. unter welchen differenzierten Umständen wiederum unter dem Umstand schonender metakommunikativer Distanz, also im Rahmen von Star Trek Fans Deutschland in Übereinstimmung mit deren Gruppen TOS, naja von dem tempramentvollem Kirk mal...
Status Report
Currentlye are facing the following issues and troubles resulting in according requirements: Technologically: Software / Functionality: Issue report: Jomsocial Cosmiunity No contributions possible Registration / FacebookloginInvalidKunena ForumYet to reinstall after crashJChat Social EnterpriseA / V peer to peer connect compromised with required up...
proTOS §Ⓥ⁸⁸-2ॐϟϟ: for a most appropriated modus operandi of sustainable extinction against "justified victimized and subordered humanoid "disturbingly cruel carnivores" in order to protect the congretisation of an idealistically teamplay against those "enforce-installing themselves as "parasymbiontically related" just justified by the fact of their unworthiness...
...and in special that behave nasty and psychotizing with the intention to disturb further... unfortunately in special against proceeding with lovely harmonic concepts of perception in balanced synthesis with constructive rehabilitative insights like in special conquering and assimilating the predator's elegance and goal leading impulse driven effi...
available VFF@starfleetUpTo.date mission: To confront the supermarket's manager
required mission equippment:
- camera...
- awayteam...
- costumes...
required features to have or to claim:
- eloquence ...
- raging reolution while caring for a majority of the audience converting to the decision to sympathize or better join
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - compassionating empathic appel...
- who does not convince anything else (neither compassion nor perspective change) to join our noble ideals and modi operandi than a resolte arrogance of a brave new vegan elitist oligarchy movement revolting to the top of society they need to belong to in order to not be supressed and underpriviledged, we have no other choice than to treat them resolute arrogantly that way! ...
mission reward:
222 Euro of 888 Euro for you in case of each successful conversion (the other profit of the arrangement will be contributed as following 222 Euro for the Vegan for Futer organisation, 222 Euro for the Vegan Black Block and further 222 Euro for Check's promo Labs @ starfleetUpTo.date!)
Here now the detailed provisonally mission instructions screen real live or love 1st person frontal argumentation lesson play suggestions and instructions, you may need to alternate spontaniously in order to achieve the mission goal.
Establish a Commando Team. Consider, if available, costumes to increase the public effect and to increase the ammount of conversions. From nerdy Ghostbusters till naughty, nerdy nutty pimp style, animal costumes or P.V.C.T.F.C.D. Cyguard Security battle suits or what you think fits the purpose the best. Switch on the cam and infiltrate the super market location like la viva loca vega...
*You snapping yourself a carnivore product proven comming from slaughtered animals and move to the cash register*
You (*on your way*) i.e.: "Promo... common synthetical vegan action... flotilla veganetia in fire range and ready to support... prepare for assimilation... (...)"
You (*to the cashier i.e.*): "Where do you think this peces of dead corpses come from? Who are you daring to question the scientific-symbiontic dignity of the academic animals, degrading yourself from the proud and popular idealist you could be, to a disgusting nether covered murder, your asshole even more bloody then your hands thrilled by the Fek'lhr commanded by the thorne of Peta'Q. I insist on interrogating your responsible superior about supporting and earning money by that disgusting subhuman and cruelty like announced in an email from
Sehr geehrte interessierte Anwaeltin, sehr geehrter interessierter Anwalt
bitte informieren Sie sich hier ueber den besonderen Fall, welcher auch aufstrebende Advokatinnen und Advokaten aus dem Patienten und / oder Strafrecht schnell und bequem als Felix Czeck's rechtliche Interessensvertretung auf Staranwaltsniveau anzuheben im Stande ist.
<!-- if you rally consider to read this... prepare 4 impact... and 4 Vegan... Anti-SPAM... like furthermore your polylingual Browser Plugin... =) ...a caoch potatoe can be empowered to be a Star Trek Fan... a Star Trek fan can promote itself to become an interstellar co-($)-mic activist in turn... register and welcome aboard! - and especially care for staying or becoming healthy & save in special. avoid to get hacked and jump out of the window - I insist on that this is just as hillarious as it really happend to me!!!
~ (fELI.x{[2ॐ❤]©zeck} "The vegan Cat")-->
Auch Sie selber werden ab der siegreichen Ausfechtung des Falls eine weitere nachhaltige und wohltuende Verbesserung Ihrer Integritaet sowie Ihres Siegesbewusstseins verspueren, als auch im Kampf gegen sozialpsychologische Stigmatisierungen in die Welt von Star Trek und dem beruechtigten Scientology eintauchen.
Im Folgenden finden Sie eine fallspezifische Aufstellung der Standpunkte, Fakten und Forderungen sowie fallspezifische animierte Praesentationen. Ich bitte Sie darum meinen (Praezendenz-)Fall intern Ihres Anwaltsnetzwerks publik zu machen. Bitte teilen Sie mir mit, ob fuer eine solche Erwaehnunung innerhalb Ihres internen Newsletters eine Gebuehr anfaellt... gerne bin ich bereit diese zu tragen, da ich mir davon ein wesentliches Tuning meines fallspezifischen Selbstwertgefuehls und Siegesbewusstseins als auch Bewerbungen seitens kompatibler Advokatinnen und Advokaten verspreche!
mit freundlichen Gruessen
summary of my structural empathy towards the justice‘s constitutional and social responsibility considering all case relevant aspects accoding to...
...the appropriation consideration of Felix Czeck‘s damage reparation claim!
- Coercion of enforced accomodation at the Knuepperhaus with a majority of carniviore men about that he made clear before that it is an insulting attack against his comfortability, culture and spirituality, emotional stability and will to survive. The according authorities ignored his dispaired warning stubbornly like even furthermore realizing especially that most undesired destiny against him. (Despite actual not sentenced because of a crime, they just let him the choice between that undesired Knuepperhaus perspective or a status as homeless causing even much more dispair, like typical official agency-dictators trashing people to slave status!
- the ammout of suffering, real pain and additionally fear of death Felix Czeck went through and over this harassed with deprivation of liberty
- !!!stunt sallery!!! (our societie‘s christian majority state religion believes in suffering representatives, Messiahs respectively scape goats that take away their suffering respectively compensate hostile causality and disluck instead of needing to be effected by it themselves - so independently from if Felix Czeck‘s jump from the 4th floor on cold stone is considered to be a pure accident, illness respectively the result of worsening stigmatzation by criminal clientel as well as psychatrie itself or is caused by intentional causal determinative mind control by the former descriped scapegoating clientel and clients he deserves a reparation while a christian majority in our state propagades such "someone else must die for our sins Jesus dogmae"!!!
- breach of supervisory duties?
- The scope of the action for damages is composed as follows: 3x each 2x 50.000 Euro over all 300.000 Euro damage reparation for each:
- deprivation of liberty with a degree of expression of body injury according to the stigmatizing selfd-dynamic of the massure according to exaggorated and inappropriated duration (mostly Vitos), way of treatment like harassement, stealing and beats (mostly Helios) and using my panicful hate against especially a Knuerpperhaus-scenario with a majority of carnivore men in may it be a misalignment of entitlement based on excessive demands or may even be cold sadistic harassment especially to realize this, is and keeps at best the accusation as "negligent with almost deadly result" (Klinikum Fulda / Diakonie. According to the prosecutor itself it is consideration worthy to target the health insurances, the LWV, justice and state itself with the claim
- deprivation of liberty with a degree of expression of body injury according to the stigmatizing selfd-dynamic of the massure according to exaggorated and inappropriated duration (mostly Vitos), way of treatment like harassement, stealing and beats (mostly Helios) and using my panicful hate against especially a Knuerpperhaus-scenario with a majority of carnivore men in may it be a misalignment of entitlement based on excessive demands or may even be cold sadistic harassment especially to realize this, is and keeps at best the accusation as "negligent with almost deadly result" (Klinikum Fulda / Diakonie. According to the prosecutor itself it is consideration worthy to target the health insurances, the LWV, justice and state itself with the claim
reputation damage in dependency with economic losses... what would have been if the accusator had been released earlier and not been stigmatized?
- as "sallary" to be an icluding emancipation and interests of disadvantaged representive of an even more and directly effected empath from the same view as an "even more official" fighting against struggle of mostly foreign made hostile psychotic influences in interdependency with vanitas
- according reparation from all of that causing suffering shizo-choleric struggle regime that is sought as slaves to help
start capital for for the civil startUp and ★let agency company beyond all those disgusting "Psy Wars" in order to proove that constructive and productive industry as company is more support worthy as own best intention of civilization compatibilty than a "SUSTAINABLE STIGMATIZATION AS CHRONICAL MEDICAL-PSYCHOLOGIC CLIENT INCL. FREE SUICIDEALIZING WITH THE ONLY INDESPENDABLE CONSEQUENCE TO NEED TO DIE WORSENED BY STATE RELIGION not only shall but even more must 😾😸😺 the opposite namely a sustainability for the individual person's beauty. fittness, stability and health according to criteria of empathy, civil compatibility, appropriation and freedom of choice for a happy continuity instead of a sad end.
In the following I am demanding to withdraw any doupts about an unreasonable, unresponsible or contraproductive usage of the reparation amount money claimed by and with appropriation of ideal and karma like furthermore is extended by a civil responsible examplary task-specific usage plan so far consisting of the following aspects:
[mainly the bandwidth of the synthesis between starfleetUpTo.date's best ambition to become an established ★let and escord agency of interdisciplinary professions of a not only sexy, but additionally educational sophisticating and idealistic entitlement providing knowledge like furthermore practicing synergy of feauture exchange and ©heck's promo Labs as assignment-magnet and advertisment carrier for startUps from your garage company till advanced cosmic-temporal syndicates
"behaving adequate and simul -
I almost died by your conspiacy - OR FOR YOU
according to the demands of a stable society
on it's balanced path of freedom of joy till reactive reasonability
with the consequence that justice defends respectively parametices liberty
for Terras pending - cosmic - emancipation
to get honorfully highlighted then - instead of almost preferring redemption...♩ ♪ ♫ ♬"
(cynical ;-)
After all I went through from being an unvolunteerly covering much worser crimes as the world map's barok NATO center Fulda's primary flagship distraction freak, you have my very certain vow that I never will tolerate illegal exploits especially against an expected progressive Aurora de la Vega state constitution as well as also not against the my abused and violated and almost had been anihilated ego and life of myself anymore. So I vow to not only preserve and maintain the reparation capital but furthermore maximize it by investing only it's interest in social idealistic purposes as well as sustainable profit oriented in order to fulfill the entitlement to be a sucessful respectable citizen respectively CEO Admiral.
This declares in turn a unnecessariness of presenting here a serial sequence of fixed values with the claim of profit infallibility what would be almost an ecconomical and furthermore social heresy like even unfavorable insult of your as well as my own human mind. I demand to proove our common case sensitive and usage specific qualification and simply the ability in dependency with the readiness to update our each reactive mind's causal intuition from problemetizer against problemetized and the other way arround to a civil sustainable constructivity and therefore justificatability of reparation.
In the following I will announce the usual investment of a stalet and startup support agency extended by the current great primary challanges of our planetary civilization in occurency with best balanced intention of social and environmental responsability with demands of joy and liberty tolerating neither colleteral damages nor losses!!!
progression "{vff}auch" [hiss...] for Ulrike Schmidt's geil-[H]-Off Hildburghausen Thuringa Helios clinics pro Nakonon convention TOS application safety... or at a space cruiser fighting for fighting for appropriation of love and liberty.. CY-guard safety!??
THAT THAT you are really really a tiny little sophisticating castle appnever ever any more little than my dick - according to relevanceBehooded hate - really against starfleetUpTo.late - I dedicate you... THAT RAP...the most exiting highest... elegantactically adverticements... congratulations for piracy hack enforce install you...
verfuegbarer CEO Admiral contract!
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Borg Drone Silvius Theumer - "Betreuer zu Fulda"
Der amtsmuissbrauchende Schikane-Bonze Silvius Theumer, "gesetzlicher" Betreuuer aus Fulda, welcher einem wurmigen Feigling gleich seine niederen Motive von Korruption, Unterschlagung und pupertaeren Machtspielchen hinter einer broeckeligen, maroden Fassade seiner eigenen, jeglichen manipulativen Ansatz wischen Selbstentscheidungskompetenz und intentionellen Fremdeinfluessen verstaerkend leugnenden, Perversionserfuellungsgehilfenpsychologie verschanzt, moege mit der ganzen ihm dienlichen Dackeljustiz zur Kasse gebeten werden!!!
Vermutlich empfindet Silvius T. es seinserseits als triumphaler Sieg einer solchen Nachtotgeburt einer schlimmsten, bonzigen Schikane-DDR Justiz, ihm doch stur seinen duemmlichen Stil- und Pensineid aufgreifend, gegen die Empfehlung des medizinisch-psychologischen Gutachtens fuer eine offene Unterbringung von Felix Czeck, selbige Unrechtsjustiz stattdessen auf einen cholerisierenden Zerstoerungskurs gegen Felix Czeck einzuschwoeren und fuer eine geschlossene Unterbringung zu erzwingen.
Revision: Declaration of Independence according to Coffee and Energy Drinks by Felix Czeck
Sehr geehrter Herr Meissner,
bitte bewerten Sie diese Rede, die ich Ihnen als PR-Agent bzw. Ghostwriter bzgl. Genussmittel fuer emanzipierende KlientInnen geschrieben habe gerne in dieser Reihenfolge und Absatzbasiert mit einer Note von "besonders forsches theatralisches Fordern wegen nicht stattfindender Theater AG" ueber "wenigstens billige(!) Revoluzzerdemagogik" bis "bipolare Stoerung mindestens immerhin selbstkritsch"
Im Rahmen meines Vorhabens mir das Rauchen zu entwoehnen bitte ich Sie, mir innerhalb des Verhandlungsspielraums von max. 6, ersatzweise 5, realistisch betrachtet aber zwecks Vermeidung juristischer Konsequenzen und aetzentster hasserfuellter Misanthropie jedoch mindeststens 4 Tassen Kaffe oder 0.5l Energy-Drink ueber den stationseigenen Kaffeeausschank hinaus, zur freien Einteilung zu genehmigen.
In auf Nahtodeserfahrungsleid an Gewissheit grenzende Verbitterung Sie wueden deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen Antrag sooooooooooooooooowiso sooooooooooooooooooo ablehnen, verschaffe ich mir soooooooooooooooooo in dieser Angelegenheit bezueglich Hoffen und Bangen auf eine seelische Verbesserung mit Pessimismus ringend erneut zu unterliegen, praeventiv eine puperataer-triumphale Genugtuung ...
...dass der kuerzere Hebel so oder so zur anklagefuehrenden Feder gerechten Zorns, zum Ausschallter gegen schikanierende Unrechstverschwoerungsgebonze antiidealistischer Kontrollfreaks ist und sein wird...!