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09.) ..!!!
Star Date 77287.3 - Pimperial Vegan Cybernetic Logfiles CEO Admiral Felix Czeck: Nice Lady of the IU International University of Applied Science's call center doing her 2nd Bachelor in "Soziale Arbeit" after already successfully passed the Bachelor degree of "Fitness Ökonomie" phoning me in order to ask me for my future's plans according to reach an educational academic degree, too... so I felt to dept her to report what unpleasent circumstances led to my interruption of "Medieninformatik" within the test phase...
We do not prefer to be an illoyal and unfriendly company! Germans please sign that pedition / survey!!! (Re: Urgent!! Be sure to cancel your right to determine your place of residence!!!)
High performance integrity all-round-widget "Website Guardian" at starfleetUpTo.date...
0900 / 1701 666... 0800 / 1701 666...
2nd § relevance: Your mascot says: "Felix Czeck submitted his provisionally ( '''!! ) and 'your(-!!-)hisse's!!!' (=^_^=) amazon wishlist..?!" 1st § relevance: Inter-semantically counter-reflection of same semantically pece of your claim with other "'uv-concon'" must be in generally wrong, or an appreciatable invitation to play "Indy-AR indication-visualizations" with you!?
emily@starfleetUpTo.date events while being psychologically accomodated... respectively an "scriptolectually" contesting or challenging criticism against the Christian 10 commandments rationalized into 8§s for the balance of appropriations with the entitlement of common constructivity..!!!