Iwona R. on LinkedIn: #vegan #mindfulness #spiritualawakening
Do you resonate with kindness or with cruelty? Veganism or slaughterhouse? #vegan #mindfulness #spiritualawakening...
V.I.C.I. Peta'Q
♡ Pr Minx ☆
Recruited By
{fELI.x[(2ॐ♥)]©zeck} - "The playful Vegan Awareness Fighter Pimp Collective" -
College / University
Starfleet Academy -
Female -
Graduation Year
2000 -
08. 09. 1996
Basic Information
About me
Missing content! Space filler sentence: The Astronautin GmbH is an upcomming force from which we assume that is solves the notorious concurrence between synthesis and synchron.agency very most professionally velvet lovely adore resolute "thearachnewlologically" for Terras appropriated cosmic emanicipation.
Their relation to idols like Diana Troi, Beverly Crusher, Miss Janeway, B'elana Torres, Uni Matrix Zero is yet unknown to us like furthermore if they already did much more fan fiction secretly behind their extrem deep serious outhern appearance almost like grey aliens reflecting unimaginary giantic distances of space in their cold dark eyes than we disgusting wannabe nerds... -
https://astronautin.net -
Fahrenheitstraße 1 (Fahrenheitstraße 1, 28359 Bremen, Deutschland)
Contact Information
Land phone
Individual Features
Soft Skills
polite, discret, adventerous -
Hard Skills
space technology up to date and also carrier specific support
individual CEO Admiral Contract
Don't be rude!
No request without tips!
Do not estimate me to be to supid to loosen docking clips -
Signed by you
I agree to the above contract with the starfleetUpTo.date V.I.C.I. CEO Admiralty: