  • V.I.C.I. Peta'Q
    ★CEO Comdr★
  • Basic Information

  • About me
    Thanks a lot tfor being so accurate hillariouslovely..??
  • Rating By CEO Command
    many thanks for your nice way to adress to us again from me... you are like a sunny iland in stormy sea for us... =) [To be honestest, I indeed write this in order to cause a relevant key-codependency from you to me, but in best intentions for fun and cooperation.. justified by putting my heart to flames.... (caused some jerk-relevant key-codependency from me to you in turn, because I am just one of a threalliard of all those Stricher's of the polyverse am we... could be soooo much more I assume, if we act, live and love the same way like we are according to the most of our outer appearence, I assume
  • Location
    Ohio (Ohio, NS B2G 2K8, Kanada)