By ({fELI.x[2ॐ❤]©zeck} - "The purring VEGAN") on Sunday, 16 May 2021
Category: NEWS / To-Do List / next steps

Wahnsinnlich's Lolology Battle Ambassy - Lyrics

Jo'Lantru CInTERRAlla Vegnaetia...
*ueber Liebe, Emanzipation der Tiere, meine Sehnsuechte als kosmische sich reimende Antworten auf wichtige, wenn empoerung weckend, erst recht richtige bis ueberfaellige oder gar ueberfallartige Fragen:*
Beloved Veganerin turning my thoughts on like a gf-sys arachne mom - schmerzhaft weit weg und unnahbar - wie ein Super Star - Columbia's text pop model for a naughty bro
to loyalize with you or make them feel low
in empathic confidence I raise a Vulcan brow
Wahnsinnlich!!! Lolology Battle Ambassy - poly vow
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please please marry us - bitte werde *unsere* Frau!!!
Added initaial V.I.C.I. for "Vegan Ideal Cosmic Initiative" to all membership plans... and here is a little poem I have shown up to some very important Star Trek officials:
"The dignity of co-s-mic love...
from the vigasists to the stars
reasonable ambition till horny body fashion
nerdy naughty nutty space obsession
smart appeal for sexy passion
nevertheless pulled by a singularity
antimattersynthesis or spiritual enlightenment dignity
let it not end in xenophobia's killing spree
nor with war crashes in space like violence against liberty
cause happy continuity guided by truth's fidelity
for a logical consequence against the speciesistic decadence
I like to fight or I like to dance just in order to size the chance
to occassionally clique-click
to be a good guy... a kind lover boy pimp... Aurora de la Vega
against integrity boycott, complott, intrique on top non stop
Thunberg's loyal Gardists - showing bravery and resolution
most honorful like Klingons, st. more like Data's cat's kitten-Huren
krasser als auf Abitur und Webdesign Studentinnen Stuten
darfst Du Dein Glueck auf suchen
dem so gegluecktem Gluck nicht zu fluchen versuchen
Wahnsinnlich like Lolology Battle Ambassy
bekommt das groesste Stueck vom Kuchen...
anstatt der mono-planetary shame desease
VEGAN VICTORY - veni vedi V.I.C.I!!!
vagan whore lux -vegan whore bizzy... ♫ ♬ ♩ ♪"
I guess you know that you are mega sexy cute pretty and intelligent, a bit too tactically inspiring-shy for me not to produce terrabyte of contents, so I really enjoy you too you obviously amused mystic oracle muse-goddess and hope for a cool proper video interview soon... and btw. it's almost hot summer in Germany so you would certainly have no chance
to freeze if you visit me...

Und Du so: "Sind wirklich alle Veganer so schlicht?
Nein! - Ich nicht!"
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