By UL®ike℠™ on Friday, 15 October 2021
Category: NEWS / To-Do List / next steps

star date -301212.17: Shall plot a course to Columbia... finally become a disciplined and successful company with all required specialists with great idealistic like professional influence on board in order to have many customers and and never be a loose connection of community members that according to that mentioned "loose" aspect still accordingly suicidal CEO Commander entered in that kind of vegalolomaniac "Psychologiealbum" all on his own? Will they or at least some of them achieve the step together to become agency professionals now...?

What does that have in common with Columbia?

- Well especially winter is sad, freezing, cold and grey in Germany, we assume it to be a good sign of intention from ©heck's promo Labs at to invest a location change in some more sunny climate with beaches and palms the potential customer can feel comfortable about it, participate via multimedia or can consider a visit there.

Did you made any progress in that direction yet?

Indeed yet ⋆let Cadet(?) and upcoming CEO Commander and web design student Janina Joy Joy and CEO Commander Webdesigner Felix Czeck are currently concretizing such options together.

How do you consider to earn?

It's about to team up with first 8 persons considering additionally commission based fixed employees for PR / SM / PH / Media Law / (...) and additionally found the UD branch at place. In open minded relation of the host, a yet to establish event agency called www.Star-Trek.event respectively we desire to strive to success realistically, not underestimating the influence possibilities on tourism and about such move's impact on Columbia's infrastructure demanding according profits.

Star Trek?

Yes. The united domains logo which is at least a globally was exemplary replaced at this article image with the sign of Star Trek's United Federation of Planets.

and further? 

If we fasten Terra's cosmic emancipation that way? Of course... even more practically and firstly it means that customers and perspectively customers of customers could be offered to whitelable the host and additionally become domain and webspace providers on their own.

Thank you! Live eternal and promisuous (perspectively: "Beloved Narconona Cosmica Veganetja, please build them a server central... !?") 


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