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3 minutes reading time (582 words)

Application to turn my provisionally HQ room at the "House at the Sea" in Hildburghausen into a smoking lounge also for other clients and the Helios personal...


...nevertheless if the reason for the urgent unpleasentness of smoking outside the building is an exaggorated nauturephobia to be effected to feel causally relevant similar to animals on pasture, maybe even to such that are designated to be slaughtered...

...or may it be according to certain circumstances of illegal "bind individual to location hacks" caused by criminal conspiracies of "retardism" as result of a prepared accident, so that moving in general and walking in special cases an unreasonable almsot torturelike pain for the client?

Furthermore if these clients celebrating that retardism and also very justified hostilities of the surrounding population and the nations's average healthy population against those retards to engage in absolute ANTIappropriate(!!!) sadistically will-breaking mind over matter psycho-, shizo- and hypnokinesis against more pretty, idealistic and competent clients like furthermor are responsible for undignified also sexually abusive slave life-form summonings etc. ... a Pimperial Vegan Cybernetic Trade Fusion Cosmiunity Domainion CEO Commander at I don't only have the right to insist on the headline's fulfillness entitlement, but also for other clients who have issues in mobility it's bordering to my duty to claim resolutely for this important reform of the station's directives!

Noch ehe dieser Rauch sich wird verzogen haben, gönnte ala Vader's donnerndes Cyberbreathing bis jetzt ein empörendes Hüsteln... während sie noch vergeblich in diesem schwachsinnigen Satz Ihrer Art nach irgendeiner Art von Konsens und Zusammenhang suchen, haben Sie doch sowiso schon vermeintlich heimlich alles vollgequalmt, oder?

THe unsane Gostwriter for Hans Meissner, 2023

Enter heading here...

Summary: From the KZ over worker class prostitution to the VZ up to steaming back from the indian culture... a social-romantic ritual in balancé of unity and individually chilling selfreflection:

...nevertheless a missleading excuse, but therefore a big advantage in favor of the therapeutically important main-purpose and intention for the personal as well as clinets a welcomed opportunity to overcome their traumatized abused single-child image and mentality, introduce their lifestyle and integration concepts towards each other like furthermore interieur concepts... enjoy the look and feel of a Starfleet Officer on a temporal mission, which cigs do not taste like at that early low quality ARs creations, which more provide the impressionb to suck at a vacuum cleaner...

...or just to be honest and honorful to admit to not desireing nor tolerating in our already dispaired situation to be the very waste of society and even evolution to make any even worsening compromises of selfrelated joy, wher no other life form suffers from...

...respectively to life along an architectural structure as a retarded person with Felix Czeck and can have a causal relevance of chosing between the beyond perspectives of becomming a Pantechno Veganetja's Space Whore Vessle forside or bugbrain and the Compost Cooperative Company of burrials provided by vegan undertakers so none of conscience will belive that they will additional worsenf there would't be the perspective of juvenization by simple joyful and legal habits which mainly means for the upcomming young adult the right on vegan sweets and to inhale mother nature's goods which where designed for that purpose, without compromises against the deep satifying chill effect...

Gummi bears caramels donut carrot cake carrot cake chupa chups bonbon tootsie roll.

Gummi bears caramels donut carrot cake carrot cake chupa chups bonbon tootsie roll.

Gummi bears caramels donut carrot cake carrot cake chupa chups bonbon tootsie roll.

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