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5 minutes reading time (1000 words)

available mission: To confront the supermarket's manager


required mission equippment: 

  • camera...
  • awayteam...
  • costumes...

required features to have or to claim: 

  • eloquence ...
  • raging reolution while caring for a majority of the audience converting to the decision to sympathize or better join This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • compassionating empathic appel...
  • who does not convince anything else (neither compassion nor perspective change) to join our noble ideals and modi operandi than a resolte arrogance of a brave new vegan elitist oligarchy movement revolting to the top of society they need to belong to in order to not be supressed and underpriviledged, we have no other choice than to treat them resolute arrogantly that way! ...

mission reward: 

222 Euro of 888 Euro for you in case of each successful conversion (the other profit of the arrangement will be contributed as following 222 Euro for the Vegan for Futer organisation, 222 Euro for the Vegan Black Block and further 222 Euro for  Check's promo Labs @!) 


Here now the detailed provisonally mission instructions screen real live or love 1st person frontal argumentation lesson play suggestions and instructions, you may need to alternate spontaniously in order to achieve the mission goal.

Establish a Commando Team. Consider, if available, costumes to increase the public effect and to increase the ammount of conversions. From nerdy Ghostbusters till naughty, nerdy nutty pimp style, animal costumes or P.V.C.T.F.C.D. Cyguard Security battle suits or what you think fits the purpose the best. Switch on the cam and infiltrate the super market location like la viva loca vega...

*You snapping yourself  a carnivore product proven comming from slaughtered animals and move to the cash register*

You (*on your way*) i.e.: "
Promo... common synthetical vegan action... flotilla veganetia in fire range and ready to support...  prepare for assimilation... (...)"

You (*to the cashier  i.e.*): "Where do you think this peces of dead corpses come from?  Who are you daring to question the scientific-symbiontic dignity of the academic animals, degrading yourself from the proud and popular idealist you could be, to a disgusting nether covered murder, your asshole even more bloody then your hands thrilled by the Fek'lhr commanded by the thorne of Peta'Q. I insist on interrogating your responsible superior about supporting and earning money by that disgusting subhuman and cruelty like announced in an email from This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 3 days ago and need to remind about the ultimatum against you selling slaughtered meat!!!"

The Cashier: (estimetadly) "Immediately leave the house or I'll call the security and the police. Furthermore I give you a house ban for life-time!"

You: (a bit more friendly andkind now) i.e.: "You could belong and profit from these young deeply loyal ambitoned idealistic elitist revolting themselvers on top of society and we offer you the chance to join... clear your mind... agree to call your superior and be out of accussation and you will enjoy political and constituitional amnesty and will not be focused and persecuted by our law enforcement in this matter... I have an exciting promotional suggestion to that person, which could solve the situation for all participants satisfactory and even must have a marketing, image and reputation advantage for your company and your carrier. If you do not accept this step the negotiation ultimatum is over and we will declare war at all media against you and your company ith all the resulting effect of reputation and loss of costomer's comfort. I want to advice you to agree to the first and recommended best choice in order to prevent damage to your company and you...!!!"

The Cashier i.e.: "You trampel in our serious warehouse here, treat me like a criminal and attempting to blackmail a mighty company with world's wide branches! Leave now or I will really call the police and it will have very unpleasent consequences for you!"

You: "Hi hi To be honest we are not only an investing customers of vegan products of your company we are furthermore official comission based employees of This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. standing in a constructive dialog with your company for preventing the unneccessary bloodshed and cruelty and turn it into a win win scenario for the both of us. Let me negotiate with your superior, or I will write an official serious complaint to your management on how you treat sensitive investing customers that have a good concept and additionally preventing bad reputation and a media war and even worse from you and your company"

Manager: "Is there any problem?"

The Cashier: "This terrorists just marched in here, treatend me and ..."

You: "Please excuse any inconvenience in the same degree of expression your reactive mind which never learned it differently nor had a motive to change instead these seems so uncomfortable claim of idealists against your illusinary and measured crown of creation entitlement and let me give you a for you obviously more convincing motivation within the bandwidth of promotion and marketing! So you have the choice to decide for a CEO Admiral membership at by investing 888 Euro and additional will receive a 0 cost voucher for 6 promo videos about the relation of your company, Veganism, the polyverse, love, sex or whatever fits the frame and we will realize that for you..."

DISCLAIMER: This is an intentionally to organic and satirical example which is not recommended to copy 1:1 if you do not move with a complete vegan black block army to the supermarket... be friendly and most people will be friendly to you too... if you define a scripted version for the action that the supermarket agrees to officially, you reduce the chances to get banned and arrested to 0... but I reallt would insist on a written and signed version of such a promo action contract and really act accordingly to avoid to get fooled and betrayed ;-]




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CEO Admial (fELI.x{[2ॐ❤]©zeck}] - "The vegan Cat" ...
Revision: Declaration of Independence according to...


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