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Prepare for the free of costs event! - The online convention & fair & festival & party: "'Beltane Progressive of veganormonelologic Compensensations' - Online Event at" at Tuesday the 1st may 2025 at (Germ. UTC +01:00) 11:11 o'clock star date 78630.4 untill you log out!

Here you see an objective temporal display according to your time zone indicating the duration untill we actually start circa when the first velvet rays of spring charming the Europeans mind and support them to displace all that traumatic impressions of the dark and cold winter... a reason to celebrate together like to encourage each other in at the "'Beltane Progressive of veganormonelologic Compensensations' - Online Event at":
Still relaxed by and proud on having survived Christmas, Sylvester and New Eve 2024 while attampting to preserve and carry your good, if not even best intentions into the fresh brand new year 2025 which could be the following according to
Maybe you might enjoy the opportunity to discuss the existence of some more or less fictional interstellar political parties like the 'Pimperial Vegan Cybernetic Trade Fusion Cosmiunity Dominion' for the galactic wide scope, the 'Public Relations to Public Relations Party for Integrity, Security, Safety, Brainism (or better B like Germ. "Bildung" meaning intellectual training respectively education), Prostitution and vegan Normalizing' each solar system and something like the 'Vॐ Piraten Partei' for the emancipation of certain shame-trauma sunken prewarp civilizations like the ours? Maybe you indeed prefer to do what you want instead, but be aware that the others will do what they want, too then... ;-D
💫 ...less milky exceptions
💫 chew the bf good through before enlightening him veganormonelologically
💫 get the rest of the winter done from over fading into your very best self-optimization program according to all aspects of family, education, business and carrier untill finally confidently looking forward to seize the "Beltane Progressive of veganormonelologic Compensensations" online event as an appreciatable opportunity to promote your company and it's business like furthermore to have a lot of joy and fun!
💫's up to you, to decide for a video conference with several here at and / or to prefer to do more personal peer to peer connects with persons of your choice
💫 ...if you promote your worldview, discuss about historical entitlements, strive for conversions in the name of your businesses or decide to dance or even cosplay before the cam stays your individual choice and responsibility
Many thanks by the way towards the "STARFLEET - The International Star Trek Fan Association" at LinkedIn where we advertise for the event, too ;-D
I hope you'll enjoy my following event invitation, nevertheless it's based on a nevertheless also self ironic "cyberstishes neongreen influence" and very traditional and orthodox Klingons could maybe feel an intimidation of offense... the best case as challenge of diplomatic constructive competences leading to joint ventures in example with some sophisticating fan-fiction projects like what I estimate to be the "Prohibiten House of the Peta'Q" still in progress...
...and also in best hope that this social media contribution musn't neither be declared to be a critical hit against the stability of the "confidence systems" of the STARFLEET Fan Association, nor a reason to insult me "Wannabe FFactor" in application phase to be even more spleeny than already and also the social media contribution has definitely not the intention to be an incident gate causing diplomatic failure or hostilities!
To call my disclaimer exaggeratly paranoid? Well that is indeed an optional point of view beneath others which should contain the option to define that so called paranoia as a case sensitive logically emphatic alertness ready to prevent the descriped issues as supplementary parameter of the common consideration instead of simply call it madness, also according to Star Trek FFactivism project ambitions at least occassionally as long as the certain according issue or anomaly could not yet overcome? 🤓🥺🥳
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