
Star Trek related advertising, PR, social media. webdesign and escort community

/********** Lovely nerdy starlet & startup support of an interstellar like temporal comprehensive entitlement worth to be designated as Star Trek advertisement in Germany! **********/

"Justice and appropriation shall be done, so high avant-garde cultures ask us to dance with them elegantically, instead of declaring war against us!"

~ La Familia Illumine Remcheck



Because starfleetUpTo.date is my passion, profession and confession in full responsibility of it's effects on culture and progresses in internet and webtechnology I like to encourage you to maintain a constructive critical view on such CI which carries and handles about potentially risky projects like Skynet, the Pimperial Vegan Cybernetic Trade Fusion Cosmiunity Dominion <=> PR2Pr Integrity, Security, Safety, Brainism, Prostitution and Vegan Normalizing <=like also=> V🕉 Piraten Partei at the thin line between science-fiction and synthetic faction like for synthesis active starfleetUpTo.date!  ... so we neither may fall apart as "space goats" nor as consequence of arrogant hubris mandatorily... please... 🤓🙏

...so then only a short while later regretfully establishing counter measures for not depending on being monitored, stretched up and observed by those kind of self caused "Nerd Stasi" all the time not only by hiding behind a firewall of funny compensensationally creative psychosis but also by the force of social-medially preventive strikes like this post contribution may also be interpretaded as an urgent scream for a Pimpress Domainia at my side, nevertheless as modus operandi "veganormonelologically" as "V.I.C.I. Peta'Q Promo Minxes PluralXx" at starfleetUpTo.date ...

Host established with three Domains active, which not already mentioned are inter alia:

https://lnkd.in/epNpCRzc 👩‍💻👨‍🎨
https://lnkd.in/eh9fZtZx 🗣💞
https://lnkd.in/eSnGmW8K // expecting redirection to case 👨‍✈️👩‍🎓

So darling, I assume our common charisma, competences and sex appeal could be our very constructive lucrativity boom and realized chance to join the stages of the polyverse as successes of appropriated power and feels encouraged of achieving many conversions as semi-realo business nerds...

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  100 Hits

01) a) @}}} you] UPDATE AT VEGALOPHONE: That certainly hateful barking Supervisor is myself...!!? Disclaimer: a bit cynically polemic...


Have a hear here on top, please!

As far as the juristication insists on keeping me trapped within supervision and accomodation like are so exaggerated fascinated or shocked by me to install us as mandatory interior at such institutions like generally psychiatic homes, I am indeed that disappointed and frustrated about that their mentality that I even consider step game changer of own purposes like "my rape out"...

...as initiative application at even the forensic psychatry because the local like federal authorities obviously expect from me to resupply a cause for their effect of accomodation and supervision without that I could be really considered to be enough inocent to leave all that supression against me far behind, carried by a wide majority of people in power and arms!

Nevertheless the better and more disciplined organizatation structure of the forensic psychatry provides also excellent workshops and also trainings to be a crafts human, I indeed currently consider it as better option to have even better fun so and also appreciate the opportunity to realiza a fair stand for also nerd convention events and fan-fiction similar to the bridge of a space vessel like "cosmique-temporally" altair of diligence and ideal also for nuts, whores, escorts and pimps also most cost sufficient with the other criminals and official's team plays like to attract further investors for such and related services relating the most in advance of the frequently mentioned starlet and startup support for Terra's interstellar emancipation inclusive as many own advantages for you like possible...

Keeping a meta-communicative abstraction level towards the compatible sexual preference about such initiation ritual rape I mostly insist to ask, who of such compatible preference really desires to be asked to participate as contractable subject of agreement and who not!

Furthermore you might be as curious as me or already experienced about how "Scify Promo Task" and really furthermore to avoid the existence permission of "Suicidalization Hacker Conspiracies" relate to immortality, maintenance, repair, reinitialization inclusive to update each certain individual's body, mind and soul configuration, aren't you also in order to get empowered to provide a contribution for Terra's interstellar emancipation like defense capacities?

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  124 Hits

0.) INDEX OF THAT APPLICATION AS CLIENT - about a matter of a lot of material compensation... Please get me and my robclone or better security copy out of that disgusting accommodation and supervision - may honor your lifestyle concept , vengeance carma, support your wallet like to inspire your fan-fiction... because now starfleetUpTo.date sends you on mission: lovely-lawyers.best will earn a lucrative commission!!!


According to that medial final rally I swear to be neither guilty nor anymore suffering from any mental illnesses!  

If you really dare to contradict and invalidate that achievement it's much more my duty to fight such injustice conspiracy's comfortability and even lifes instead of giving you and the society the impression thar I would volunteerly suborder and accept being defined as unstablel!

So the supervision and accommodation even caused certain optimizations in interdependence with me up till now like to pimp up my ambitious emancipation-attitudes like furthermore fine tune them to achieve more empathy than before within a degree of expression I am enabled to appeal more appropriately or sustainably depending on the certain sociological entitlement - nevertheless you may consider all that following data as a "later to first" comparison honoring the therapy progresses with the will to maintain them as well as warning against to reset them into the former state of mind by overdosaging those psychological readjustment demands!  

It's my primary political entitlement now to deny been hacked like furthermore to get rid of all copyright issues!  The client's cirriculum vitae like faqs about his company

      1. The applicating client's CV of education and carrier achievements with the intention to from now on to avoid against being medically and pschologically indicated.
        a.) Felix Czeck
        b.) starfleetUpTo.date
        c.) preferred lifestyle
      2. about an excuse for a scream for justice and appropriation sizing questionable methods in turn like to provoke subversive and breaking copyright for higher good... so do not violate that promotional intention, while distinguishing from undesired acquisition of copyright protected material! In any case pimperial integrity and functionality of each the individual and the society shall be maintained or firstly established that way!
      3. please do NOT prescript something that lowers the frustration-tolerance - much more size opportunities to pimp them up within reasonable and responsible courage...
      4. maybe you have some compassion left for me pitty creapture been jumped from the 4th floor due to his own illnesses or by mind control, who is now ambitious to win the most powerful and mighty as loyalists
      5. your chance to become an even more popular star lawyer than you are already!
      6. best you can do is to chew the bf who's most fault it is that I became a hatefully disgusting bark- and stalk-disease well trough - but maybe it's most appropriate  also in occurance with our common empathy for sustainability to focus in special that bg-orgs that where proven unable to estimate the danger of such "grob fahrlaessige Koerperverletzung mit Fasttodesfolge" and are even more responsible and guilty than those drone Silvius Theumer
      7. The next never wanted enforced installed shicane-hencheman so called Supervisor also does much more worsening stigmatization instead of rehabilitation and integration into the normal society... I like to consult you as experts to figure out, if my impression or better suspicion is more based on objective awareness than I'll paranoia...
      8. admitted self-ironically I am talking strongly and confidently for emancipation  against being stigmatized to be mentally unstable
      9. a nevertheless very sophisticated fluctuating chart about the expression of regret or bad intentions led to my accident... it's just a randomly changing percentage circle diagram as an optical impression for more symbolizing the participatory ambivalences in advance of creating awareness against "suizidalizing" like furthermore to increase the show effect dramatically
      10. please appreciate the development of my clients status by aknowleging the optimization from a choleric freak of post-traumatic issues in advance of a social team player  
      11. not in an unpleasant way to exaggerated numberologically superstitious, I look into a better future of realized retaliation where I focus opportunities with pointed ears like a Vulcan that desires to realize a win-win scenario with you  
      12. A laugh number... like a macabre Cluedo board game with just antagonists... 
      13. Some complainism legacy fight subcategory expecting a not to exaggerating modest, but still appropriate compensation for kept hostage medical-psychologically! 

  145 Hits

13.) Widerspruch gegen Beschluss vom 13.08. Az.: 2XVII 446/19 ersatzweise Misstrauensvotum gegen Herrn Eichner ODER Einreichung von Zivilklage zunaechst gegen Klinikum Fulda / Theumer


Erste viel angenehmere fast schon anmutige und addressatenbezogene Email wurde leider beim Senden als herbeigesehnter kausaler Effekt seitens ecklichster perversester und schadenfroher "Noch-niederer-als-unteruntermenschenunterunterunterraubtieren vom Typ "sich am Drama geilklotzen und selbst als was Besseres fuehlen" geloescht. Schade. Jetzt reicht es leider nur noch fuer sarkastischen Zynismuspogo:

Einwilligungsvorbehalt AUSGERECHNET WEGEN?!? einwandfreier Buchhaltung gaenzlich ohne Neuverschuldung und anhaltender bester beschworener Vorsaetze auf dem Gebiet - NEIN DANKE! DIESE ANSPRUCHSVERFEHLENDE STIGMATISIERENDE SCHIKANE  WEISE ICH ENTSCHIEDEN ZURUECK!!!
Einwilligungsvorbehalt AUSGERECHNET WEGEN?!? ueber das bisherige Ausmass der Zerstoerung meines staatsbuergerlichen Vertrauens radikalisiert werden - NEIN DANKE! DIESE ANSPRUCHSVERFEHLENDE STIGMATISIERENDE SCHIKANE  WEISE ICH ENTSCHIEDEN ZURUECK!!!

Einwilligungsvorbehalt AUSGERECHNET WEGEN?!? ich kann nur als entrechteter bevormundeter  Untermensch ueberleben oder habe gefaehrdet zu sein??? Was mir nicht gefaellt muss helfen, obwohl ODER GERADE BESONDERS WEIL es nach Faktenlage und objektiver Betrachtung Schikane zwecks Stigmatisierung und umgekehrt ist um mich wiederum als besagten Untermenschen klassifizieren zu koennen, dem nur solches geziemt und hilft?!?? ;-P - NEIN DANKE! DIESE ANSPRUCHSVERFEHLENDE STIGMATISIERENDE SCHIKANE  WEISE ICH ENTSCHIEDEN ZURUECK!!!

noch einigermassen weitestgehend fairenesssparringspartneraushilfspunchingballfreundlichst

Felix Czeck

<!-- das hat den Anspruch eines anmutigen wogenglaettenden Metakommunikationsbinsenweisheitsquirks von schoenem Wetter, Meer und Voegeln, so dass die Hoehe der geschlagenen Wellen wieder zum Surfen geeignet sei, anstatt dass die ISS Scheibenwischer anbringen muss und sich saemtliche unwuenschenswerten Monokausalitaeten als auch der Einwilligungsvorbehalt zu Angemessenheit und Gerechtigkeitsliebe aufloesen moegen - zwar etwas gekuenstelt als notgedrungen perfide - noch beste Absichten in schlimmster hysterischer Verzweiflung aber hoffentlich erkennbar!!! ^^-->

  732 Hits

07.) V.I.C.I. Peta'Q Ceo Admiral auf starfleetUpTo.date Felix Czecks letztes Ultimatum an inter Alia dadurch Supervisor Schaefer Weyh(t)...


...uns alle gegen unsere leicht zu beleidigende Reaktanz durch "rekursive Vempathierappelle" zu emanzipieren, bleibt antizipierbare und nachvollziehbare Logik, mit oder ohne doppelte Anfuehrungsstriche, ne?!

L.E.A.P. 🖖😻

Felix Czeck
Eisfelder Strasse 41
98646 Hildburghausen

An das
Amtsgericht Meiningen
Lindenallee 15
98617 Meiningen


In Sachen

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  1301 Hits

09.) Friendly appeal towards the jurisdication...!!!



  108 Hits

06.) Borgy Silvius Theumer - "Betreuer zu Fulda"


Der innerhalb meiner wilden Phantasie hauptsaechlich amtsmissbrauchende Schikane-Bonze Silvius Theumer, "gesetzlicher" Betreuuer aus Fulda, welcher seine niederen Motive von Korruption, Unterschlagung und pupertaeren Machtspielchen  hinter einer broeckeligen, maroden Fassade seiner eigenen, jeglichen manipulativen Ansat zwischen Anfechtung der Selbstentscheidungskompetenz gegen Klient:innen als antiproportionale Zuordnung einer gleichzeitigen Erhoehung der Anfaelligkeit gegenueber paranoiaverschlimmernden Fremdeinfluessen verstaerkend leugnenden, Perversionserfuellungsgehilfenpsychologie einer Kumpanei parasitaerer Auren verschanzt...  

...konnte zum Glueck nicht bestaetigt und mitlerweile sogar widerlegt werden...

...bzw. als Empathiebetrillerung und Schocktherapie Rechtfertigung finden... 

...oder er moege mit der ganzen ihm dienlichen Dackeljustiz zur Kasse gebeten werden... 

... seinserseits als triumphaler Sieg einer solchen Nachtotgeburt einer schlimmsten, bonzigen Psychoschikane-DDR hoch 10 Justiz psychiatrischer Langzeitklientelisierung, gegen die Empfehlung des medizinisch-psychologischen Gutachtens fuer eine offene Unterbringung von Felix Czeck, selbige Unrechtsjustiz stattdessen auf einen cholerisierenden Zerstoerungskurs gegen Felix Czeck einzuschwoeren um eine geschlossene Unterbringung zu erzwingen.

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  1860 Hits

12.) Vordere PR starfleetUpTo.date bezieht Stellung !!!GEGEN!!! Schikaneschergen in der Angelegenheit Felix Czeck - A laugh number... like a macabre Cluedo board game with just antagonists... 


Des gestrigen Tages Do, 14 Juli ergab sich ein erneuter Zwischenfall, welcher wie saemtliche vorangehenden die damit nur nichtmal mehr hoechstens vordergruendig wahrnehmbere Intention des hyporatischen Eides bzgl. Rehabilitation und Integration der Sozialpsychologie darueber hinaus noch absolut ad absurdum fuehrt. Moeglicherweise werden Sie zunaech...

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  129 Hits

01.) c.) Was halten Sie von: Ergaenzungsschreiben zu Felix Czeck's Bewerbung beim Erdlingshof im Bayrischen Wald ≆ "Willkommen bei der V³-Piraten-Partei!!?"


Prepare 4 impact... and 4 Vegan... Anti-SPAM... like furthermore your polylingual Browser Plugin... =) ...a caoch potatoe can be empowered to be a Star Trek Fan... a Star Trek fan can promote itself to become an interstellar co-($)-mic activist in turn... register and welcome aboard! ~ Sophia-Lilith Remcheck height from the Peta'Q xX pro Chillequal...

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  1232 Hits

11.) summary of my structural empathy towards the justice‘s constitutional and social responsibility considering all case relevant aspects accoding to...


...the appropriation consideration of Felix Czeck‘s damage reparation claim!

  1. Coercion of enforced accomodation at the Knuepperhaus with a majority of carniviore men about that he made clear before that it is an insulting attack against his comfortability, culture and spirituality, emotional stability and will to survive. The according authorities ignored his dispaired warning stubbornly like even furthermore realizing especially that most undesired destiny against him. (Despite actual not sentenced because of a crime, they just let him the choice between that undesired Knuepperhaus perspective or a status as homeless causing even much more dispair, like typical official agency-dictators trashing people to slave status!

  2. the ammout of suffering, real pain and additionally fear of death Felix Czeck went through and over this harassed with deprivation of liberty

  3. !!!stunt sallery!!! (our societie‘s christian majority state religion believes in suffering representatives, Messiahs respectively scape goats that take away their suffering respectively compensate hostile causality and disluck instead of needing to be effected by it themselves - so independently from if Felix Czeck‘s jump from the 4th floor on cold stone is considered to be a pure accident, illness respectively the result of worsening stigmatzation by criminal clientel as well as psychatrie itself or is caused by intentional causal determinative mind control by the former descriped scapegoating clientel and clients he deserves a reparation while a christian majority in our state propagades such "someone else must die for our sins Jesus dogmae"!!!

  4. breach of supervisory duties?

  • The scope of the action for damages is composed as follows: 3x each 2x 50.000 Euro over all 300.000 Euro damage reparation for each:

    • deprivation of liberty with a degree of expression of body injury according to the stigmatizing selfd-dynamic of the massure according to exaggorated and inappropriated duration (mostly Vitos), way of treatment like harassement, stealing and beats (mostly Helios) and using my panicful hate against especially a Knuerpperhaus-scenario with a majority of carnivore men in may it be a misalignment of entitlement based on excessive demands or may even be cold sadistic harassment especially to realize this, is and keeps at best the accusation as "negligent with almost deadly result" (Klinikum Fulda / Diakonie. According to the prosecutor itself it is consideration worthy to target the health insurances, the LWV, justice and state itself with the claim

reputation damage in dependency with economic losses... what would have been if the accusator had been released earlier and not been stigmatized?

  • as "sallary" to be an icluding emancipation and interests of disadvantaged representive of an even more and directly effected empath from the same view as an "even more official" fighting against struggle of mostly foreign made hostile psychotic influences in interdependency with vanitas

  • according reparation from all of that causing suffering shizo-choleric struggle regime that is sought as slaves to help

start capital for for the civil startUp and ★let agency company beyond all those disgusting "Psy Wars" in order to proove that constructive and productive industry as company is more support worthy as own best intention of civilization compatibilty than a "SUSTAINABLE STIGMATIZATION AS CHRONICAL MEDICAL-PSYCHOLOGIC CLIENT INCL. FREE SUICIDEALIZING WITH THE ONLY INDESPENDABLE CONSEQUENCE TO NEED TO DIE WORSENED BY STATE RELIGION not only shall but even more must 😾😸😺 the opposite namely a sustainability for the individual person's beauty. fittness, stability and health according to criteria of empathy, civil compatibility, appropriation and freedom of choice for a happy continuity instead of a sad end.

In the following I am demanding to withdraw any doupts about an unreasonable, unresponsible or contraproductive usage of the reparation amount money claimed by and with appropriation of ideal and karma like furthermore is extended by a civil responsible examplary task-specific usage plan so far consisting of the following aspects:

[mainly the bandwidth of the synthesis between starfleetUpTo.date's best ambition to become an established ★let and escord agency of interdisciplinary professions of a not only sexy, but additionally educational sophisticating and idealistic entitlement providing knowledge like furthermore practicing synergy of feauture exchange and ©heck's promo Labs as assignment-magnet and advertisment carrier for startUps from your garage company till advanced cosmic-temporal syndicates

"behaving adequate and simul -
I almost died by your conspiacy - OR FOR YOU
according to the demands of a stable society
on it's balanced path of freedom of joy till reactive reasonability
with the consequence that justice defends respectively parametices liberty
for Terras pending - cosmic - emancipation
to get honorfully highlighted then - instead of almost preferring redemption...♩ ♪ ♫ ♬"

(cynical ;-)

After all I went through from being an unvolunteerly covering much worser crimes as the world map's barok NATO center Fulda's primary flagship distraction freak, you have my very certain vow that I never will tolerate illegal exploits especially against an expected progressive Aurora de la Vega state constitution as well as also not against the my abused and violated and almost had been anihilated ego and life of myself anymore. So I vow to not only preserve and maintain the reparation capital but furthermore maximize it by investing only it's interest in social idealistic purposes as well as sustainable profit oriented in order to fulfill the entitlement to be a sucessful respectable citizen respectively CEO Admiral.

This declares in turn a unnecessariness of presenting here a serial sequence of fixed values with the claim of profit infallibility what would be almost an ecconomical and furthermore social heresy like even unfavorable insult of your as well as my own human mind. I demand to proove our common case sensitive and usage specific qualification and simply the ability in dependency with the readiness to update our each reactive mind's causal intuition from problemetizer against problemetized and the other way arround to a civil sustainable constructivity and therefore justificatability of reparation.

In the following I will announce the usual investment of a stalet and startup support agency extended by the current great primary challanges  of our planetary civilization in occurency with best balanced intention of social and environmental responsability with demands of joy and liberty tolerating neither colleteral damages nor losses!!!

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  2035 Hits

08.) Von Unrechrsverschwoerung assimilierter Visionaer Felix Czeck steht ein fuer Angemessenheit ung Gerechtigkeit!


Damit egoistische selbstgefaellige perverse speziesistische Blaehgespinste gescheiterter Assozialer Ihr mickriges Ego kompensierend durch Selbstdeklaration als kausale Ursache fuer und mit der Masche "seems so suicide" idealistisch inkonsequent definitiv pseudomoralisch aber immerhin rueckratsvoll irgendwelche Benimm- oder Perversionssteuern eintereiben koennen??

Felix Czeck fordert hiermit die Bevoelkerung als auch die bewaffneten Einsatzkraefte nachhaltig dazu auf, solche grundsaetzlich fuer das Individuum unwuenschenswertes Mind Conrolling Suizidal Realization, insbesondere seitens Kartelle beschworener gegenseitig synergetisch bedingender Wechselwirkung zwischen Leugnung und Realisation der Mind Conrolling Suizidal Realisation mit den Anspruch die Relevanz und essentielle Bedeutung dieses Bandwurmatzes mit oder ohne ADHS auch unabhaenig von der Kenntnis und des genauen Wortlautes des Bandwurmsatzes in Veganismus, Public Realtions und oder vom Individuschlau frei waehlbares "oder" als besonderen solidarischen ausgestaltbarer Zusammenhalt innerhalb der
zuvorgenannter Euphemeter Veganismus und Public Relations die Mind Conrolling Suizidal Realisation verhindernd zu singen...♪ ♫

Nun ambivalent zwischen den Dispositionen hin- und hergerissen, einseitig einer psychischen Erkrankung die Schuld meines Beinahesuizids zuweisen zu wollen, entscheiden Sie sich zu Gunsten der Synthese verantwortungsbewusster Wachsamkeit, sowohl weder den kausalen Impfcharakter abzuerkennen bei gleichzeitiger nicht pauschaler Negation von Heilungserfolgen...

Ersatzweise Horror kybernetischer Intrigen!!! 


  1089 Hits

04.) Treueschwur einer veganen Aristokratie!!!


You had certainly already learned it from messengers or percepted it from interstellar media. After the cowardly and perfidious assassination attempt against V.I.C.I. Peta'Q CEO Admiral Felix Czeck's survival, the institution with the name "Associal Suizidalwürg Meiningen" probably still undergoes an inappropriate euphemization or thus also a certain pupertary-shameful preservation of the same claim befriends the most embarrassing but at least appropriately disabled subhuman disease pack as sinister murder-henchmen of an underexposing carnivorous slaughterer-people which are proud to be polluties to make it even worse and those sociopathic disease stretches now creedy in the direction of the aristocratic elegance for the purpose of annexing resources... 

It is now necessary to counteract in good time against an according asocial trend in which altruism is defined as an attack surface and accompanied by direct threats of the darkest and life-threatening parasitic-psychocinetic forces are used as a pretext for blackmail. For this purpose, we officially ask you, as part of our permanent special investigation unit, as well as on behalf of the victim V.I.C.I. Peta'Q CEO Admiral Felix Czeck and those blackmailed and intimidated by his example for our loyalty and best support towards yourself, your family by supporting us in turn with the favor of your permission to use your location with you as a "psychological-Scientology integrity-concept center, starfleetUpTo.date palatinate-agency-base or aristocrazy-illuminarcist noble swinger club"...

As a special honor worthwhile, we would understand it if you would draw a registration in the next choice for the purpose of concretizing such events, or also as a preliminary stage of contractual agreements.


  1389 Hits

05.) Sehr geehrte interessierte Anwaeltin, sehr geehrter interessierter Anwalt


bitte informieren Sie sich hier ueber den besonderen Fall, welcher auch aufstrebende Advokatinnen und Advokaten aus dem Patienten und / oder Strafrecht schnell und bequem als Felix Czeck's rechtliche Interessensvertretung auf Staranwaltsniveau anzuheben im Stande ist.

<!-- if you rally consider to read this... prepare 4 impact... and 4 Vegan... Anti-SPAM... like furthermore your polylingual Browser Plugin... =) ...a caoch potatoe can be empowered to be a Star Trek Fan... a Star Trek fan can promote itself to become an interstellar co-($)-mic activist in turn... register and welcome aboard! - and especially care for staying or becoming healthy & save in special. avoid to get hacked and jump out of the window - I insist on that this is just as hillarious as it really happend to me!!!

~ (fELI.x{[2ॐ❤]©zeck} "The vegan Cat")-->

Auch Sie selber werden ab der siegreichen Ausfechtung des Falls eine weitere nachhaltige und wohltuende Verbesserung Ihrer Integritaet sowie Ihres Siegesbewusstseins verspueren, als auch im Kampf gegen sozialpsychologische Stigmatisierungen in die Welt von Star Trek und dem beruechtigten Scientology eintauchen.

Im Folgenden finden Sie eine fallspezifische Aufstellung der Standpunkte, Fakten und Forderungen sowie fallspezifische animierte Praesentationen. Ich bitte Sie darum meinen (Praezendenz-)Fall intern Ihres Anwaltsnetzwerks publik zu machen. Bitte teilen Sie mir mit, ob fuer eine solche Erwaehnunung innerhalb Ihres internen Newsletters eine Gebuehr anfaellt... gerne bin ich bereit diese zu tragen, da ich mir davon ein wesentliches Tuning meines fallspezifischen Selbstwertgefuehls und Siegesbewusstseins als auch Bewerbungen seitens kompatibler Advokatinnen und Advokaten verspreche!

mit freundlichen Gruessen

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  1548 Hits

03.) Wunderschoenen Guten Tag sehr geehrte Frau Dr. Seddig! Bitte lassen Sie mich Ihnen einen konstruktiven Vorschlag unterbreiten...


(Selbst)diagnose: anhaltendes (auch posttraumatisches) Erschoepfungssymtom, Muedigkeit im Auspraegungsgrad von Narkolepsie mit bis zu 18h Schlaf pro Tag ausserdem seitens der Neurologieabteilung von Helios ergaenzend diagnostizieierte ADHS

Hauptintentiontention der Medikation: Verlaengerung der z.Z. von vielen Schlaefchen und Pausen duchwobenen Produktivphasen im mediengestalterischen Aufgabenbereich

Weitere ergeanzende Vorteile: Erhoehte Wachsamkeit und Qualiaetssteigerung fuer promotional sowie idealer telepathischer als auch solcher als Schall durch die Ohrmuscheln wahrgenommener Moderation von Kommunikation - geschaetzte Anhebung des Niveaus des aktuellen Arrays:

von momentan durchschnittlichen Denkmustern ca. 12-jaehriger Hochbegabter von mit vielen Albernheiten und Affekten fruehpupertaerer Reaktanz durchdrungenen Bewusstseinsleveln

zum planenden, sondierenden, kognitive Konnektivitaetsmuster mit erhoehter wachsamer Logik pruefen und sortierenden interstellar-temporalem Verantwortungsbewusstsein... erhoehte Gesundheitswerte fuer Beauty und Fitness Dank synchronisierter Synergie idealistischer Genies des gesammten Polyversums im facettenreichen melodioesem Vielklang universeller kosmisch-sozialaesthetischer Liebe...! Anmerkung: Die Beschreibung der Zielintegritaet deckt sich mit den persoenlichen bisherigen Erfahrungen der angeforderten Wirkstoffgruppe.

insb. bei gleichzeitiger ⓥermeidung von gehoerten oder empfundenen hysterischen Klagelauten aus dem schizo-affektiven Formkreis, welche meines logischen und auch moralischen Erachtens die Verwerflichkeit saemtlicher systematische Schaendungen gegen das Tierreich unserer bedauernswertesten versklavten Natur herruehrt und als verzeifelter Hilfeschrei den ernstzunehmensten Notstand der "Verzehrsklavenspezies" indiziert!

Klientenseitiger Antrag belaeuft sich also konkret auf eine morgentliche und mittagliche Vergabe von jeweils 80mg Methyphenidat

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  1587 Hits

01.) a.) Felix Czeck personal Crew Member file / Cirriculum Vitae


* born at 4.12.1979, in Fulda the barock center of the NATO world map,
the year the internet was presented to the public

  • ABI Millennium 2000 passed with 3.0, best in English course

2005 - 2012 Accommodation at the "Scientific Institute for Normalizing" - Unfolding as free artist 

  • 2011 passed Mediengestalterausbildung Gestaltung und Technik non-print at wapmedia.de and Willy-Brandt Schule with final mark 2,7
  • Self-employed as freelancer with a few assignments / private self-perfection in web-design and multimedia
  • 2016 Worked for Temporal Work Agengy "Randstad" at "Lampenwelt" and "Bio Bread"
  • Self-employed as freelancer with a few assignments / private self-perfection in web-design and multimedia


  • high assiduity
  • goal orientated
  • resolute
  • vegan
  • eloquent
  • creative


  • HTML5
  • JavaScript
  • CMS
  • Open Office
  • Adobe Creative Cloud
  • ...


  2163 Hits

01.) b.) WTF? FAQ!


Why starfleetUpTo.date / scientology.CAM / ©hecksPromoLabs.love ♻️ ...homoeopathically adjectivity main.TLD mentioning untill all is bizzy and expanding❣️ ♻️ ...entitlement to have the best synthetically advanced substance test labs ♻️ ...that neither Scientology nor anyone els may breed clients that react phobically or aggressively ...

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  101 Hits

10.) Zwischenbericht Stardate -301351.05 CC Felix Czeck personal log: Unterbringungsmodalitaeten groesstenteils ungeniessbar... ;-/ ...


Gegen den ausdruecklichen Rat des oberaerztlichen und psychologischen Gutachtens verfrachteten mich die Justiz-Betreuerbonzen in ihrer Ramboaktion in eine solche geschlossene Unterbringung um meine musische, vegane und sozial-harmonische Freiheitsliebe selbiger spottend zu verstuemmeln... grotesquer lebensverachtender bruellender, bellender und fauchender Hass verblieb in mir... veganer den je richtete sich dieses insoweit willkommene Feature nunmehr nicht mehr nur gegen, waehrend und seit dem Aufenthalt guenstigstenfalls noch als feige und ecklichste Untermenschen zu bezeichnende Tiermoerder, sondern als strategische Folgerichtigkeit auch gegen sadistisches, schikanierendes und selbstgefaelliges Verhalten der Gesamtmenschheit im Besonderen. Und sollte man diesen Justiz-Betreuerbonzen keine totale menschenfremde kausale und soziologische Kurzsichtigkeit diagnostizieren muessen, bzw. im Falle derer Akzeptanz der Auszahlung der vorgeschlagenen Schlichtungssumme an den geschaedigten Felix Czeck, liesse sich dieser beschriebene Zivilisationskompatiblitaetsupdate-Installationsroutine hinsichtlich auffaechernde case-sensitiver Reaktanz von veganem Neofaschismus in seiner Reinform ueber Erfolg mit eigener Firma bis hin zum erreichen des Rangs eines veganen...

(und deswegen besonders saemtlichen politischen Wechselwirkungen nicht nur geo- sondern seinesgleichen und sich selbst darueberhinaus in ihrer Gesamtheit auch interstellar- und polyversellstrategische Planbarkeit unterordnenden)

...CEO Admirals sogar neben Wuenschenswertigkeit auch vorangegangene willentliche Intention sowohl fuer Interesse am Rang als auch besagte als Garant gesellschaftlicher Tragfaehigkeit geltende ruecksichtnehmende Gesammtinteressensauffacherung beglaubigen.

Gegen meinen erheblichen Widerstand als auch Empfindungen und Auesserungen in Wort und Schrift bezueglich mangelnder Zumutbarkeit und Angemessenheit erzwungener Aufenthalt im Haus 7 laesst sich am ehesten als radikalisierende Verschlimmerung, bestenfalls als Ueberstrapazierung bis case-sensitivity-correctness-adjustments bis sogar Abgewoehnung impulsiver shizo-cholerischer gedanklich oder durch aneinandergeschupste Luftmolekuele getaetigter Kommunikation zusammenfassen. Ob ein Wettruesten bezueglich des taktisch mehr oder weniger subtilen, bzw. dem Mitmenschen auf- oder totoktruierten verschleiernden Perfiditaetsaspekts des Image- und Reputationsgewinns innerhalb bisweilen verzweifelter Status-, Rang- und Machtspielchen oder gar ein offen zur Schau gestellter opportunismus- und trittbrettfahrerhaschender "Auf Gefuehlen rumtrammpelnter Provokationsexibitionismus" zur perversen Selbstgefaelligkeit privilegierender Bonzenkastenkonkurrenzwettbewerbs zwecks Dominierung der jeweils anderen vorherrschte, jedwede Annehmlichkeit ausschliessendes kaltes Gestichel und Ekelschlachten waren stets Reaktanzketten von Ursache und Effekt als auch als selbige leicht entfachbare Krisenherde als verschlimmernde konfliktausloesende statt loesende Indikation.  


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