By ({fELI.x[2ॐ❤]©zeck} - "The purring VEGAN") on Saturday, 05 August 2023

CEO Admiralty Networking Exemplary Instructions pro upcomming initiates...

​This preview-image from the image provider "Creative Market" reminds us on the CEO Admiralty's individual ideal mind-set it's balanced synergy of all it's ॐⁿ webresences symbolized by it's symetry of same distance by same edge-length resulting in an as well isosceles symeric and side-symetic triangle. The tangents with those filled circles additionally support this impression by being arranged to an in-line modus which is typically for Vectorprograms like in example "Adobe Illustrator" for triangels in their most symetric appearence. For the common cosmiun achievement agenda of the lower ranks assigned to the CEO Admiral in person in interdependency with his superiors the "Q" in turn it means that everywhere it's not directly focussed and in use by him, still the other's attention and common teamplay complience supports the other 2 aspects of the Web-Triptychon are in need of being supported by adaequate social media comments, an according administration that filters out respectively reports inappropriated hatefully and insulting comments like furthermore are obligated to support the constructivity represented by each webpresence as synergy with several more businesses, companies, political parties, interst groups, clubs, etc. ... and of course Terra's interstellar emancipation like in example suggets and support events and the conception and participation at certain promotions.... ;-P)

CEO Admiralty - the taffest of the entire Polyverse...

Authority and responsibility in balance at the V.I.C.I. Peta'Q CEO Admiralty - don't downgrade yourself for an upper rank, but as soon as you assign yourself to such person intentionally or agree to an according contract as ★let Cadet, Promo Minx, CEO Commander or Trade Coordinator, it is is your duty to follow it's missions and agendas consequently in agreement with your best intentions and conscience! 
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